5 Promising Strategies Of Being Memory Athletes
Strategies to unlock your Memory Reserves
Stop studying and take a moment whatever you are doing. Just look the way you are studying. I am promising strategies of being Memory Athletes and realize the whole road map that you have taken to absorb the concept you are studying.
Now tell yourself that is it the best way to study? can it be done by an improved way?
Is there any possibility you can apply a method that can help you enhance your productivity and save much of your time???
If the answer is yes, what I’m going to show you and o present you and suggest you are the ways which I find so productive so efficient, and I want to share with all of the students out there who are you looking to enhance their productivity, efficiency and grades in less and less time. The techniques are proven, and so many people and scientists have proved their productivity.
Study tactics you are using for years and definitely these methods gave knowledge and grades and concepts but what I’m talking about is a step up and find out the most efficient ways of study, that not only help you to study more but also will help you to utilize best of your time and in a more proficient way.
Scientific facts are very clear about the concept that some study techniques are more beneficial than others. Using these techniques can achieve in less time and in a more proficient way.
I am accumulating 5 best techniques for study.
Study techniques of most remarkable students around the world. They have achieved so much in less time and with less effort.
1- Create Memory Palaces
Memory Athletes
You have probably heard that some people are very good at remembering things for a very long time. People that can compete in a tournament of learning and reproducing.
Scientists and researchers found that there is some technique by which you actually remember very much for a very long time without getting distracted.
Memory athletes in an annual contest of memory retention called the world memory championship.
They were given 20 minutes to remember a list of 72 random words, and on average, they scored approximately 71 of the 72. And these memory experts scored nearly 98.6 per cent, fantastic.
On the contrary, ordinary people or untrained could only score 26 of 72 — only 36.1 per cent, a considerable difference.
That is the power of the techniques and training.
In another case study Akira Haraguchi a 69 years old man in 2006, Recited a hundred and eleven thousand seven hundred digits of pi from memory at a Public event near Tokyo.
For16 long hour, he just kept going and going.
Imagine the power of memory, imagine yourself do have such a power of memory, and you can also be a memory athlete in the coming memory championship.
Memory is not a gift; these are muscles of the mind. By training, you can build too.
You have these muscle; remember the color of your room walls, remember the socks you are wearing, remember the gift you received on your birthday.
These memory athletes mas an ancient Greek technique called memory palaces.
If memory athletes can learn this technique, you can also learn and improve your memory dramatically and open up all your memory reserves.
2-The Feynman Technique
- Write the name of a concept on top of the paper
- write down the concept as you are teaching it to someone
- Identify what is missing and then go back and learn it again and corrected
- Review everything as much as you can
The Protege Effect
Explain Others What You Have Learned
The best way to understand something ultimately is to explain it to someone else.
According to a study in 2006, research shows the impact of your learning when you teach someone.
All those students(also Teachers) who taught younger students scored higher den the students learned for only themselves.
And the logic behind the “Protege effect” is that when you teach someone, you must understand the material more efficiently and in more depth because you are going to teach someone else.
This phenomenon is known as Depth of Processing.
3-Studying Effectively
Master students are committed to effective study strategies but shipwrecked students are committed to ineffective study.
Common practice is about effective learning, and studying are:
- Reading again and again
- Highlighting your notes
- Keywords and abbreviations
These can be temporarily effective, but scientifically, it is proved that these standard practices are ineffective in the long term.
On the contrary, long term effects, proven methods of studying scientifically are:
- Practice tests
- Spacing out your learning
- Teaching your learning
4-The Zeigarnik Effect
A Concept In Psychology
You remember Uncompleted tasks better than the tasks that you complete.
When we start a task and interrupt it a bit, It creates a task-specific tension that can improve your brain function. It will make you uncomfortable, and it will create a little tension for you, and you will come out of your comfort zone and take advantage of that tension by focusing on the incomplete goal.
Zeigarnik effect tells those students who take breaks they remember concept much better than those who opt for long study sessions without taking a break.
Another study also suggests that if you want to remember for a long time who should repeat within 50 seconds of getting the concept.
Study also suggests that your brain can accept seven new information at its maximum level; after that, further information becomes very wage and hard to recall.
5-Distributed Learning
Distribute your learnings over time, either in a single study session or in multiple days sessions. It benefits long-term retention in memory reserves.
Students can recall better after spaced study session than after cramming and massed study. It is better to revise after some days than after some hours.