5 Strategies To Being Creative And Never Stuck
Five strategies to being creative and never stuck again in life.
There are many times when you are in Trappe in life, and you have a valid logic of being stuck. Logic is a comparatively strong assumption to be trapped and stuck in obstacles. When you are in an absolute desperate position seems very difficult to conquer this situation in your favour.
First of all, you have to make your mind and believe that you can break this stuck and find the way out of this trap. Having faith will ultimately decide who will be the winner in the battle of logic and perception.
I am giving a hint: it is the logic and perception game; I will cover it later.
Logic is the systematic study of valid rules of inference(a proper or reasonable way of thinking about something)
Perception is the organisation, identification, and interpretation of sensory information to represent and understand the presented knowledge or environment.
“What you see and what you hear depends a great deal on where you are standing. It also depends on what sort of person you are.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Magician’s Nephew
You are stuck because of logic, and it will not let you pass because of its nature of a systematic way of thinking and accepting facts. That is our traditional thinking and solving problems logically. That is also because of how our brains work and accept facts and how we are trained to process things logically in our traditional ways. Creativity doesn’t work the ways how logic works.
Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognise ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.
1-Changing Perception Is The Key To Unlock Creativity
The first step towards creativity in absolute stuck is a change in perception. It would be best to change your traditional perception to step up and solve the puzzle or problem under consideration. Perception is not concreated and rigid like logic. When you are working on perception, you actually let your brain work and think differently and magically. Change in perception is a life-saving injection in your brain working.
Do you think in the same way in anger or otherwise?
Of course not; our brain responds to every emotion in a unique way, for instance, love and hate.
According to Marian Diamond, one of the founders of modern neuroscience, “with proper stimulation and an enriched environment, the human brain can continue to develop at any age.”
This is called Neuroplasticity. In simple terms, the brain can continue growing and adapting despite ageing. Even as adults, our brains continue to create neurons that — if adequately stimulated — can strengthen our mental capabilities and sharpen our memories.
Edward De Bono
Dr. Edward de Bono
“You can analyse the past, but you need to design the future.”
He presented a case study in his book “think before it’s too late” how perception has the power to change behaviour: how in the Karee platinum mine in South Africa, a consequence of traditional hostilities between tribes, created in centuries, there were 210 fights every month reduced to just 4.
Susan Mackie and Donalda Dawson taught his perceptual thinking to those utterly illiterate workers, and they encouraged them to recognise others workers concerns.
They achieve exemplary results from completely illiterate people not because of logic but because they changed their perception to see others point of view.
There are so many people who still seek to resolve conflicts logic and judgement but this will not make society better. We all need to work on our perception and change in perception.
2-Impact On Emotions By Changing Perception
Emotions are a powerful energy. Emotions are directly effected by thinking.
We all love science(mostly): The first law of thermodynamics, also known as the Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; energy can only be transferred or changed from one form to another.
By change in perception, you are going to change in emotions. New emotions excite you and give you the ability to behave differently.
Here is a question, do you have the same feelings in grief or sorrow or after a huge laugh?
Of course not. You can relate this to your emotions.
3-Behaivoral Achievements By Emotions
Behavioural and emotional engagement plays a vital role in presenting the relation of achievement of goals and some extent of education reconciliation.
Many study results supported the hypotheses and revealed a differential predictive pattern for each achievement goal.
Creativity is linked to behavioural and emotional collaboration in your mind to achieve the best possible solution to the problem.
Performance is linked to behavioural achievements.
Performance-avoidance goals were linked negatively to behavioural engagement processes, and mastery-avoidance goals were related negatively to sentiments.
These findings will be more able to establish practices that prevent students’ disengagement and enhanced their adjustment to school.
4-Actions By Behaviour Stimulation
Behaviour stimulation acts as an army to achieve a specific goal. If perception is vital, emotion posses energy, behaviour is positive and performing; your actions will give you 100 per cent results.
With utterly new thinking, energy, emotions and behaviour, you will break all walls no matter how high and concrete they are; your actions will break them into pieces. And you will get out from all this evil stuck in your life.
A goal without performance is linked to negative behavioural stimulation.
5-Accumulated Results
Suppose you can understand why I am stuck(not because of logic) because your perception needs to be changed. In that case, you can design a solution by changing perception, and all those things(emotions, behaviour, actions and results) will change automatically.
That is the working mechanism of our mind; if you can understand the whole system, you can design the required solution. Human behaviours are unpredictable. That’s why we need creativity to resolve utterly new challenges. The only change is constant in this life.
Change in perception will let you live, and logic will stuck you.