9 Essential Skills For Life, Happiness And Growth
This is a list that I’ve put together and my Contribution, and I’d like to share this list with you.
1- The Power Of Purpose
The person who has a purpose in their life has something to do for some meaning. It becomes an obsession for some people, but for you and me, maybe, it doesn’t suppose to be that as dramatic as an obsession.
You know there are many influences on us. One is the power of the past always pulls back some people. Many people are always pulled aside by distractions, but here’s what’s powerful if you have a high goal in your life, it pulls you toward the future.
The more precise the goal is, the stronger it pulls. Here’s the other great advantage, if you have a purpose for tomorrow, it pulls you through all kinds of challenges and all sorts of difficulties. If you don’t have these solid purposes for the future, it’s easy to fail by a bad day.
It’s easy to be almost eradicated by a poor month, and it’s easy sometimes to nearly consumed in a year that goes back if you do not have a purpose of pulling you out beyond that year if you want something to pull you through all kinds of challenges and obstacles.
If your heart works to create value and if your spirit works to achieve, and if you have good input like good ideas, there isn’t anything you can’t accomplish, so that’s one of the great powers that make you successful.
Where does self-confidence come from? And this is the best advice I can give you on that not neglecting the little daily discipline self-confidence. It comes from feeling good about yourself and one of the best ways to feel good about yourself.
To know that you poured it on, you did your best if you conducted a meeting; you did the best you could. If you wrote a letter, it wasn’t a casual letter; it was your best note at the end of those kinds of days when you feel good about yourself, self-confidence starts to rise.
If you can have this kind of a good day, you can have another one the next day, and those days become the weeks, and the week’s become the months and the months becomes a decisive year.
Self-confidence comes from the lack of neglect. If you do not neglect to do the small daily disciplines that are where self-confidence comes from, a part of good health is self the confidence. I know I’m going to be healthy, I take the Herbalife products, I eat the apple a day, I walk around the block I do the jogging on the beach at the end of the day when you’ve poured it on, and you’ve done all the stuff, that grows self-confidence.
The enthusiasm that affects people is not just being loud. The excitement that runs deep that comes from deep inside created by self-confidence created by purpose-built by genuine willingness to help other people; that is a natural feel of enthusiasm.
The robust enthusiasm is mostly enthusiasm that is enthusiasm inside 90% 10%outside we all know what the enthusiasm It is like when somebody lets us see their the enthusiasm which is the like the 90% and only 10% is inside.
The kind of enthusiasm knowing that you’re going to get the job done, also, knowing that you’re going to affect people, that kind of enthusiasm a lot of it is quite a lot of it is unheard. The 10% deterred it rings a bell people call is genuine enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm is only a tiny tip of the iceberg of the enthusiasm you feel inside that motivates you to do the best job you can.
To become the influential variable is expertise, wanting to excel in all of the skills and settling for nothing less than outstanding Performance.
if you’re willing to be the best in your field if you’re willing to demand of
yourself excellence in skills to be the best that you can be
in training, do the best you possibly can in doing a workshop do the best you possibly can.
Developing your personality development skills, language development, the skills of influence development, and organizing. If you’re willing to be an expert in all of the skills, invest time in those skills and not only make a handsome living not only make a lot of money but if you would so desire and if it would be your purpose a chance to make your fortune expertise excellence in skills.
4-Decisive Contribution
The making of a decisive contribution to you and that is preparation well-prepared in preparation. It includes many things; a significant share of our life is preparing to get ready when we go to the first grade in the school we’re just preparing for the second grade; after we’ve finished two grades, the two grades prepare us for number three.
At times it seems like a long, excruciating time, and the time will seem likes it’ll never come when we can finally have the Performance that we want, but it takes time to prepare.
it takes time to get ready, and the decisions you make in the preparation
time those are the decisions that last for a lifetime.
I want to do my best this year for a good life, but I also want to get
ready for the following years to come. That’s my goal, and I’m sure it’s your goal now.
5-Self-Reliance Is The Power
Self-reliance means you look primarily to yourself, and it would be nice if
someone just giving you, it would be nice, but if everyone did their job exactly as they’re supposed to do.
Primarily rely on yourself, mainly say I’m responsible, and I will learn the necessary skills to help people understand their skills.
If I need lots of people to do certain things to build my organization, I must have, but I’ve got to be the final backstop. I’ve got to be the final one that people can rely on to miss if this is missed.
I can fill the gap, and I can do the job, we have to do it when we conduct meetings we have to do it when we work training we have to do it when we’re in a class of just a few what someone might have missed we’re there to fill in self-reliance primarily we’re learning to count on yourself so that you can do this never complain and never explain.
6- Your Image Is Your Key Power
There are many parts to the image that others see you, like the image you have with other people, which’s very important how other people see you.
if they don’t see you as a leader, they won’t pay attention if they don’t see you as being in control, they won’t have the trust if they don’t see you as
knowing where you’re going, what you want to accomplish, they won’t follow you.
If people can see you if you have the image of someone in charge of control in control of your life, your future, destiny in control of the situation if they see that that kind of image is powerful. It helps to win the
it attracts other people who want to be around people that are in control
that are powerful, but they know how to use their power, influential but they know how to use their influence that kind of image is essential.
7-Character Is Destiny
Character is becoming a person of high values, a person of principles, a person of honesty who earns respect for that kind of character.
Unless you have the principles and the character and the integrity to put
together a viable plan for a wide variety of people, then the system is not
going to last very long.
I’ve been around long enough, and I’m sure you have been around long enough to see many systems that got started but failed. And the reason is that they were not constructed with integrity, character and doing the right thing.
They might have been constructed to take advantage, cash it out as quickly as possible and leave.
It is essential to develop the character within yourself.
Self-discipline, all of us, have a challenge with that because at times it’s easy, and especially if you’re working so hard, doing the best you can, it’s easy sometimes to let up and let it go.
But remember so many people, especially now that we’re as big as we are around the world, counting on what we do at the home office they have to be careful.
If everybody has the discipline to say I will do the best job I can, I will make mistakes, of course, because we’re all human, but I’ll try to
remedy those mistakes and do the best job I can with that kind of self-discipline that understands how important your part is in all of the functions that work.
Each person needs to develop self-discipline to do their part do their job.
9-Extraordinary Performance
The power of Extraordinary Performance and demanding of yourself excellent results is so essential.
If you want to live remarkably, you must do extraordinary work.
if you want a remarkable income, you must do unique things if you want
an incredible fortune you must go with the demands of what it takes to
have that fortune.
If we would ask ourselves that kind of Performance and you’ve got to
ask it yourself, you know I can’t ask it of you; I would try to inspire you.
I would try my best to share what it might taste like what it’s like to make your fortune finally. It happened for me, but here’s what you must do you must demand it of yourself.
Society does not require that you not have a heart attack, but if you want to escape having a heart attack, you must request it yourself.
Society doesn’t need that you jog around the block every morning, but if
you want good health, you must demand it of yourself. The organization doesn’t require that you read a couple of books a week and improve your intelligence and knowledge that you must order yourself.
Society does not require that you bill the financial wall around your family
nothing can get through that’s not the demand of Society, but you must order it if you wish it, you must call it off yourself