How Time Is Being Wasted And Why
Time is what we want most, but what we use worst. William Penn
Dr Jordan B Peterson Jessica Stillman Vivian Nunez
People are running at 51 per cent of their capacities. Think about the fact which is probably the dangerous and greatest sin. Studies show that undergraduate students are wasting productive hours as 4 to 6 hours in a single day. By doing the things they don’t want to do, watching shows they don’t have the wish to watch, they are just wasting time without realizing how much precious time they are wasting.
You waste time on ineffective studying, watching things on youtube, TikTok and other similar ineffective mediums. Things you don’t care about stuff that actually makes your tens, for example, political show, tv game shows.
average time young students are wasting is as follows:
5 (5*1) hour in a single day
35 (5*7) hours in a week
140 (35*4) hours in a month
1680 (140*12) hours in a year
If the average rate per hour is 25 USD (which is a radical underestimated)
average wasted Doller = 42,000 USD annually (per person)
What are young students or people is wasting right now? It is a way more enormous catastrophe than it would be for an older person.
Think and ask yourself, what would happen if I just stopped wasting the
Opportunities in front of me?
You would be more effective, stable and prosperous if you start utilizing the half or your wasted time.
What best you can do about it?
The best thing you can do is teach people to write.
Learn To Write
Learn To Think
there is no difference between writing and thinking.
(Jorden Peterson)
it is the most powerful weapon you can get.
No one is ever telling students why they should write something.
Students are writing their assignments, but only for grades, not for the sake of writing.
It would be best if you wrote because you want to learn how to think. After all, thinking makes you act effectively in the competitive world.
Thinking makes you win battles, battles for good reason, making humanity live in a better way.
If you can think, speak and write, you are absolutely deadly.
You are unstoppable and inevitable.
Act Collectively.
stop making matters worse
If we collaborate and stop making matters worse, we can create a big difference. People do that all the time; they actively try to make things worse because they’re arrogant and deceitful, maybe because they did not get what they want. Whatever they are, they should it should be for act collectively take part in making things better.
If people stopped trying to make things worse, they have no idea how much better they would get just because of that gesture.
There’s a weird dynamic part of the existential system of ideas between human vulnerability social judgment, both of which are our significant causes of suffering, pain, and people’s failure to adopt and accept this responsibility. And they have a perfect idea; they know they should adopt this responsibility.
If you think seven billion people are in the world and who am I?
I am just one tiny dust mote among that seven billion people, and it really doesn’t matter what I do?
It would be best if you thought again; it’s the wrong assumption
because we live in a global village. Everything and everyone is connected.
Stay Organized.
Formulate Coherently
People having strong thinking and influence; you don’t want to argue with them. If you do, they will slash you into pieces, not in the malevolent ways. They are going to make their point valid and convincing always.
If you are making your point in front of influential people, it is wise to make your point organized because otherwise, you will look like an absolute idiot.
If you can make and formulate your arguments coherently, and make a presentation. If you can speak to people, if you can layout of proposal okay, people give you money opportunities you influence them.
Make A Schedule And Stick To It.
The first question that comes to our mind what is the role of the schedule in our life?
It is a common misconception that the schedule is a bloody prison.
So I assure you that this is a fundamentally wrong understanding about the schedule. Instead, it becomes the reason for your accomplishments. And, it is the only way to get yourself organized and escape from unnecessary involvement.
A common reaction about the schedule is that people say they don’t like to follow the schedule because they can’t follow. They have so many commitments and responsibilities they are not available to follow the schedule. After that, because they have done so many things they have done because they have no choice, they are bound to perform their duties the rest of the day we want to live freely out of the walls of schedule.
Hare is the main thing that many people don’t understand about the schedule; it gives you control over your life, if you are not in control, how you can define your freedom.
First thing in the morning, when you see the whole day, you want to make your day exceptional, and if you’re going to make your day memorable and want to achieve something, how you can even think that if you do not have the plan?
People start their day because they want to see some progress or task done by the end of the day. If you do not have a plan, schedule a road map of how you will define your progress at the start of the day and the end of the day.
Create Value
Please do not waste your time and do not waste each others time. By not wasting others time, you are actually helping them. Collect valuable information, create valuable information that enables you to achieve your goals, avoid being distracted. Make yourself an expert by utilizing your best efforts and make other persons lives better. Make connections and act collectively. The only way to demonstrate Value is by creating the Value.