The 3 Golden Spoons Every Successful Person Have
By interviewing hundreds of people, reading the most successful people’s biographies, people in the news because of their achievements, every wealthy and successful person have some common qualities When talking about people’s success and achievements in their lives.
All successful people share primary greatness In their manifesto.
Stephen Covey
The observation method sees primary greatness in all successful people to observe the common things they have to make them successful.
Character And Honesty
All great people have integrity; they have the character, to be honest with their work and themselves.
They are devoted to what they do; they tend to consume themselves for their purpose, ethically so strong as not to break their rules.
If you are working with a team and you don’t have the character, your team will not follow you. You may be because of your influence because you are in a position where you can influence their choices, maybe they follow you, but from the heart, because they knew that you are with lousy character, they never will ever accept you as a leader.
People followed the person who has a character to lead, not the person who is occupied by his evil desires.
People follow the person who is not vulnerable by designs who are not greedy and who can sacrifice himself for others, who can lead as a part of the team, not by influencing his subordinates to show that he is in charge of everything.
A leader can only be followed if he has the eyes to see others’ pain, understand others’ problems, dive into issues, and provide solutions. These are common behaviours of a successful person; if you don’t, you will not grow.
Passion Is The Key To Grow
You have to be passionate about growth if you do not enjoy the process that is not your passion.
If you want to achieve a specific goal, you need to ask yourself, do you like the process or outcome? Are you like the process itself?
That would be the answer to your question that you are either passionate about or just love the outcome after spending so much time on the process?
If the process is your passion and you enjoy the process, you can say that it is your passion. You will get something unique and powerful if you go through the process, but if you like only the outcome of your procedure, it is nearly impossible to grow in the field.
Let me explain with an example: Do you like winning? or are you enjoying playing the match?
If winning is only your concern, and you do not like to play the game, that is not your passion. And if that is not your passion, you can’t grow.
All successful people around the world are very passionate about what they do.
Do they care what time is this?
Do they care how much they are working?
Do they ever complain about their struggling?
Here is one essential thing, and I want to emphasise that if you are struggling and have a passion for doing that, you have to do many collateral things; maybe you do not like all the collateral things to your passion. Here you have to understand that not everything is in our control; we have to prepare for many sacrifices mentally and physically to achieve our goals.
Great things never came from comfort zones, so you have to be prepared for all kind of sacrifices because we all know today’s pain is tomorrow’s power.
Abdul Sattar Edhi
Service to serve humanity.
Growth is not something like you are a single person on earth. All big names of businesses, institutions, and brands are not growing alone; they all are returning society and those who helped them become what they are now.
Suppose you are taking help and utilising resources. One day, you must help others and let yourself utilise others to grow because of how successful people are doing to make human, society, and nation achieve their goals because they had the chance to grow in the past.
The evolutionary impulse of the universe the arising of presence you cannot, not be of service to others as presence and rises one way or another how you are of service to others will vary from person to person.