The Intuitive Ability Of An Empath (CHAPTER 2)
Intuition Power Is A Bridge Between The Conscious And Unconscious Mind.

The empath is my main character, and I will emphasise empathy and the related abilities of my character. That is the second ability(or curse) of my character.
I will follow the following way to define my character’s power.
2-intuitive person
3-Degree of Intuitive
4-Pros related to Intuitive
5-Cons related to Intuitive
the ability to know or understand things without any specific proof or evidence. Ability to be characterised by intuition.
2-intuitive person
an intuitive person possesses remarkable empathetic abilities. Connecting power with others feelings at their best connection. They can attune their minds to vibrational frequencies given by those around them, and they can further use that encoded information to feel the same.
3-Degree of Intuitive
Intuition Power is a bridge between the conscious and unconscious mind.
An intuitive person knows their feelings very well. They are keenly aware of their feelings. They do not ignore their feelings, unlike many people who try to numb or ignore their feelings. An intuitive person does not just feel; they communicate with emotions, understand the message in the emotion, and act accordingly in the best interest of that feeling.
The intuitive person is sensitive to what they see in their dreams, pays attention to their dreams, and translates into the message. That person knows that dream is a sign that is telling them their feelings or action’s outcome.
Deep thinking is a way of thinking who is guided by inner intuition. They think deeply, feel deeply and connect deeply. However, that way of thinking and feeling has its own pros and cons.
The intuitive person can sense what others are thinking; this also make them the best observers; they can feel what others are feeling. This is an ability to understand the situation better and act rationally.
They can build trust with others quickly. The power to feel the same as someone else can grasp trust because they are well prepared to act the most appropriate and respond in the best possible way. Proper response and behaviour make them likeable and trustworthy.
The intuitive person is creative and can fetch the solution quickly and easily. these people are imaginative positively. They can creatively imagine what the outcome can be with specific action.
Intuition power demands relaxation. A peaceful mind can have such abilities.
Peaceful relaxation is the key to self-discovery.
Intuitive people know that the ability to act at its best, relaxation and peace is paramount to let recharge this power. They continuously schedule sufficient intervals of relaxation to allow the best thoughts in peaceful moments.
People with intuitive ability have a strong sense of purpose in their lives. They believe that their sense of purpose powerfully communicates to them as they are destined to answer these emotions and sings.
These souls are optimistic; they are utterly equipped to process negativity into positivity with all their intuitive abilities. Because they possess so much emotional and intellectual power, they can see the positive side of the picture even in most dark times. They are hopeful and tend to change a desperate person into a strong personality.
Like all other powers, intuition has its benefits and limitations.
4-Pros related to Intuitive
- They Are Typically Optimistic Souls
- They Have A Strong Sense Of Purpose
- They Are Deep Thinkers
- They Take Seriously Of Signs Provided By The Universe
- They Can Sense What Others Are Thinking/Feeling
- They Can Easily Build Trust With Others
- They Are Creative And Imaginative
- They Are Acutely Aware Of Their Feelings
- They Are Typically Optimistic Souls
- They Can Quickly Center On The Now
- They Pay Attention To Their Dreams
- They Closely Observe Their Surroundings
5-Cons related to Intuitive
The same pros can harm an intuitive person.
A balanced approach is needed to adopt when practicing intuition.
you can read my article for balance approach